// low //

One in eight American women will suffer from depression. THAT’S HUGE. Whether you have had dealings with depression, or you are just feeling a little down in the dumps, this free e-book is a resource every Christian girl should read.

To get the e-book, sign up for our e-magazine/blog mailing list. Shortly after signing up, you’ll receive Low as a free gift.

// ice cream devos //

God can use your gifts.

How many times have you heard that phrase (usually from a little old lady with white hair and big glasses). DUDE! She’s right.

Oh Beloved One founder Amanda Brown enjoys many things, but her first love is writing. This summer, God gave her a dream that used many of her “talents.” Thus was born Ice Cream Devos, a tiny little book with bite-sized devotions.

– stats –

46 pages

6×9 inches

7 devos

links to downloadable posters

worry remover worksheet & spiritual stagnancy checkup!
