2 epic lessons about life from spanish class

Guest post by Eliana Duran When you look in the mirror, do you find yourself applying mental labels? Have you ever fallen into thinking about it again and again, in an endless loop?  I have. Some days I’ve been prideful. “I’m beautiful,” I’d tell myself. “Wow, I am smart.” Other days, I’ve drowned in self-pity. …

what love is: 1 cor 13 series

I am not a fan of cliches. In fact, they give me the heebie-jeebies (as did spelling heebie-jeebies). So, when people start pulling out 1 Corinthians 13 around Valentine’s Day my sinful flesh does an internal (yet sassy) eye roll. P.S. Don’t forget to watch our epic trailer video for this issue! But! I am …

being known: a book about letting go of the past

Perhaps you guys remember my review of Robin Jones Gunn’s Becoming Us. I have a soft spot for Robin’s books because they helped steer me in the right direction during my teen years and help me see the practical side of Christianity. So I was THRILLED when my dad threw an envelope my direction and …