Redeeming the Time

18 ways to live dangerously

“life is too short to take the easy way out” — someone, probably

  1. Read the last page of the book.
  2. Save all your loose change in a jar and save up for a penny board.
  3. Always do a little extra: one more push-up, one more mile, one more washed dish.
  4. Don’t plan out every little thing. Leave a little room for spontaneity.
  5. Collect pictures of “No trespassing” signs.
  6. Do one thing that scares you every day.
  7. Forget your phone at home every now and then.
  8. Window shop in the home goods sections at Target.
  9. Try out new makeup styles. You might look awful and someday look back at those pictures, but it’s just a step in the right direction.
  10. Be okay with telling people when they’re doing the wrong thing.
  11. Take a wrong turn. On purpose.
  12. Start a YouTube channel or anonymous blog with ukulele covers and poetry.
  13. Be okay with failing. Sign up for that part in the play even though you haven’t acted since you were six; try out for choir even though you don’t sing a lot; join the B (or C) level basketball team.
  14. Feel like you don’t have time? It’s okay. Still sign up for that outreach or go out to lunch with that friend.
  15. ‘Fess up when that guilt is drowning you. It can even be your dog or a stuffed animal. No rules here.
  16. Wake up 20 minutes earlier to start your day out with Jesus.
  17. EVEN IF YOU’RE SCARED, DO IT. Try kneeboarding, snowmobiling, driving a boating, riding a motorcycle. Take a deep breath and ride that rollercoaster, jump off that cliff into the sparkling water below.
  18. Stop calorie counting. Eat what makes your body feel good. Fill yourself with green things, things from the earth, things God gave to us. But don’t feel like you have to say no to the occasional cookie or ice cream party.
  19. BONUS: Feeling depressed? Ready to throw in the towel? Instead, text a friend a verse. Throw an ice cream party. Make a basket of goodies and ship it to a faraway friend. Dare to NOT think about yourself.

Will you live dangerously?

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Hanne T
4 years ago

I LOVE THIS 😍 honestly the perfect summer bucket list