Future Joy

adventures in saying yes: we say yes to this read

review written by lisa elis of Inkwell

Hello again everyone! It’s already March, but I have finally finished reading OBO book club’s read for February, Adventures in Saying Yes by Carl Medearis. Read my introduction post here, or if you already have, let’s dive right in.

expectations + how they were met 

So I expected two things from this book: a) personal stories and b) a thought-provoking message. And the book delivered on both counts.

on stories

The book is one part stories and one part what the author learned from these experiences. I love the stories. They are funny (both circumstantially and in narration), mind-blowing, miraculous, encouraging, and just great stories in general. Many are of Carl’s experiences in the Middle East, and most are actually quite different from what we’d expect them to be like.

on the message

This book is about overcoming fear in order to embark on an adventure with Jesus. I was nodding along many times to things that he said, but some were actually surprising as well. I found myself challenged and occasionally uncomfortable (because overcoming fear = moving outside one’s comfort zone). I think that if you read this seriously—with the intention to learn—you will certainly come away with something.

extra thoughts 

a few other things I like:

  • How there are parts from the perspectives of Carl’s wife and children
  • His narrative style—it’s really casual, down-to-earth, and humorous
  • He sounds really humble, considering all he knows and has experienced.
  • The book is awfully entertaining and I just HAD to read parts out loud to my sister.
  • The theme is clear, well-developed, very relevant, and kind of prods us in uncomfortable ways
  • It also challenges a preconceived notion we may have of the Middle East/Arab nations/Muslims because we’re western raised and that area has been painted for us in a certain way. It is enlightening to see it from the eyes of a man who lived there.
  • I kind of do want to visit the Middle East now you know? 


5/5 and recommended for Christians who are ready for some exciting stories, thought-provoking questions, and a bit of a scary call to leave your fears behind.

What’s your current read? Are you a part of our book club?

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Hanne T
4 years ago

I need to start reading along with the OBO reads!! This sounds like a really good one: I’ve definitely heard stuff about it, but haven’t read it yet. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!