Celebrate Future

FREE reflect & plan workbook + “dear new year”

dear new year

i’m not asking for you to be easy

(goodness knows this one wasn’t)

but i’ve learned that pain brings camaraderie and growth,

which i’d like to think i’d choose over comfort.

here’s to a year where fresh beginnings come moment by moment;

a year where, truly, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.”

i pray for bravery to be instilled into every heart;

i pray for discernment and passion for the things of God.

and, above all, i pray that when we come out of the next 365 days,

we can look back and say

it was all good.

Hey, we have a real goodie available for you. Download your workbook here.

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3 years ago

This is great! Thank you so much. I look forward to using this resource!