
the story behind our 2021 magazine theme

The answer to every problem I’ve ever faced has been to focus on who I know my God to be.

When I was in the deepest depression of my life, I knew innately that I had to reach beyond myself. I found solace in knowing I trusted in a God who would never leave me nor forsake me; a God that called me His beloved, His chosen, His royal diadem even (see Colossians 3:12 and Isaiah 62:3-5).

That’s why, when I was brainstorming for a magazine theme for 2021, attributes of God was one of my top ideas. Changing my focus (both in life and devotions) from myself to my God gave me inexplicable peace and deepened by relationship with God. I want that for you guys too!

“God is . . .” Magazine Theme 2021

  • Creator
  • Judge + Light
  • Teacher
  • Healer
  • Shepherd
  • Author

I’ve already brainstormed all the article ideas and . . . GUYS. All I can say is that you’re in for a treat! These issues are going to be so creative and inspiring. I’m PUMPED.

How to read!



Next year, we’ll be offering in-print subscriptions again. You can either purchase a full-year subscription and get all six issues for $60, or you can get a three-year subscription for $32.

We’ll also have it online. I’m still debating if this will be 100% free. I really want the magazine to be accessible to everyone, and I feel like charging a small fee to read will both still allow that but also help us to be more self-sufficient.

Have some questions?

How big is the magazine? We don’t have a set page number, but issues generally are between 48-56 pages.

What is inside? Because of the different themes, every year looks different, but since 2016 there has been a huge emphasis on devotional-style content. Our 2020 issues held up to ten articles tackling that specific issues topic from various directions.

As the creative director, I’m envisioning 2021 still having that devotional content but also approaching from different creative directions. For example, the Creator issue may include tips on starting your own garden to celebrate God’s gift of nature. The Shepherd issue will have articles on each phrase of Psalm 23. The Judge + Light issue will share how you can use social media for God’s glory.

We are all about practically worshiping God, but application isn’t the only thing we bring to the table. We leave room for God to speak to you in the silence by strategically placing journaling sections throughout the magazine with specific article-inspired journaling prompts.

Each issue also includes a section in the back about how to get saved.

Who is the magazine for? Our specific target audience is young women between the ages of 15 and 23. We like to say we’re reaching girls during the most critical time of their lives: when they’re figuring out who they are and beginning to get more responsibility for their lives. However, older women LOVE this magazine and always comment on how insightful the articles are.

Is this magazine good for unsaved people? That’s a tricky question. Our 2019 theme is probably the most subtle because the topics were open-ended like purpose, kindness, and victory. But try handing someone who’s on the fence a magazine that says “God is Creator” or “Witness” and . . . that honestly might turn them off.

We suggest you use your best judgment. 2019 issues aren’t still offered in print, but they are still offered free online if you want to point your friend or relative to our “magazine” page (or just give them a direct link to an issue of your choice).

And of course, we’re always here to answer their (or your) questions.

This would make an epic Christmas present for you or a friend!

To get you ready for this theme, you may want to check out the post I did on starting your own study on God’s character. This is the study that literally changed my life!

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Ivete DeRidder
Ivete DeRidder
3 years ago

Very insightful.

Eve Parnell
Eve Parnell
3 years ago

Super excited for 2021! I love the theme! Focusing on God and not myself has always been extremely peace-giving and joy producing, so I can’t wait to read and focus on that this year!