Future Joy News Trials

it’s time to heal, beloved: read our new healer issue FREE!

A girl in a red dress with a crown posing for the cover of Oh Beloved One magazine. it's time to heal, beloved: read our new healer issue free!

Guess what? The “God Is Our Healer” issue has been released!! And you can read for free here!

This issue is extremely special to me because I’ve been doing a lot of healing over the past couple years: mentally, physically, and spiritually. As a teenager, life seemed to be going swimmingly; yet, behind the scenes I was building strongholds of idols that needed to be cast down. And, believe me, when God cast them down it hurt!

How do you know when you’re healed? Here’s the answer: when you can thank God from your heart for your trials. For your hurt, for your pain. At first, you’l have to fake it ’til you make it. You’ll have to say thank you through gritted teeth, through tears, through numbness.

But it’ll come, beloved.

It’ll come.

Let’s take a tour of this issue, shall we?

getting through the present – 3 tips for getting through trials, plus 3 practical actions you can take TODAY

big prayers – why we should pray for things we don’t know God will give us + how to pray in faith and with persistence

the past — honest tips on how to get past the past (with 6 specific applications)

comforting others — how to help friends going through the hard things of life

prayer for healing — does God hear us when we pray for healing? is it okay to hurt? is it okay to not want to hurt?

in his words — what God has to say about our suffering, straight from the Bible

wondrous things — the amazing story of how God has brought one OBO writer through trials and is healing her to this day

bigger than our future — how to trust God with the unknown

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poem starting out the God Is Our Healer issue

letter from the editor

Make sure to share this issue with a friend or two! We hope it encourages you SO. VERY. MUCH.

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