finding your why

It’s really important to ask yourself why you do what you do. (Not why you order caramel cloud macchiatos at Starbucks every time) (Though this too is an important question) My latest why has been why I blog. Is it because I simply like hearing typing my own voice bits of pixel-based type forms? Naw, …

it doesn’t come easily

I’m so funny sometimes. As a writer, I perpetually see my life as a story. Sometimes it helps me to get through things better. Sometimes it leads to me being way too fanciful and looking for the happy ending at the end of the saga. The thing is, there may be a happy ending, but …

After You Achieve Your Goal

I absolutely LOVE connecting with all of you guys! I get such sweet emails, texts, and little notes sometimes that really encourage me because I know you guys are reading, listening, and enjoying all my little ramblings. So, about twooooooooo-ish weeks ago I got this email in my inbox. I have been procrastinating this email …