
what is that in your hand?

The Lord said to him, “What is that in your hand?”

He [Moses] said, “A staff.”

(Exodus 4:2)

What are you holding in your hands?

An impossible circumstance? Or maybe a shining opportunity you’re too scared to pursue?

A crumbling relationship? Or one on the verge of being restored?

Is it a talent? Is it a lack of talent?

Every day you wake up, God looks at you and asks, “What is that in your hand?” It is up to us to acknowledge that we have talents and circumstances that must be used.

Moses looked at his hands and saw only a wooden staff. But God saw a miracle.

I open up my own hands. I feel as if I do not have much to offer the King (are you getting Little Drummer Boy vibes like I am??).

And yet I do. God wants my little, so He can make it big.

He wants my job, my location, my desires, my fears. He wants my hurts, my health, my finances.

He wants this ministry. He wants every page of the magazine, every post on Instagram, every podcast episode.

He wants all that I am. God is the Master Potter. He doesn’t need ME to make the pot . . . He just needs me to hand over myself, as a willing lump of clay.

So, look at your own life. Pick up those shards on the ground. Pick up those side hobbies you think little of. Pick up those IMPOSSIBLE things . . . the things that, when you wake up, you wish were only a nightmare.

God used Moses and his simple rod to part a sea. He used Moses and his simple rod to outwit pagan sorcerers. He used a man with a speech impediment to lead thousands of Israelites home.

So, will you give Him your staff?

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