Self Image

why are you on instagram?

It's important to do everything we do for a good reason . . . even Instagram! Are you simply trying to make others jealous, or are you kingdom-minded?

I had to ask myself this question . . . especially after I signed up for my fifth Instagram account.

Yes, I kid you not! I only run 3 now (and I still rarely post on two of them) but I just love the concept of Instagram. I realized that as both a person and a business, I needed a reason for my posting. I thought I’d share my thoughts on this with you and hopefully it’ll help you.

P.S. We just hit 1k on Instagram!! Thanks for your support and love. Follow us on Instagram @beloved.magazine to see what I talk about in this post in action.

It's important to do everything we do for a good reason . . . even Instagram! Are you simply trying to make others jealous, or are you kingdom-minded?

Ask yourself: Why do I have a personal Instagram account?

Bad reasons: Do I just want to show off who I know? What I’m doing? What I’m eating? Do I just use it when I’m bored when I could be doing better things?

Good reasons: Do I use it as a personal diary? A way to update my friends? An expression of my creativity? A digital scrapbook?

My purpose has definitely been wrong in this in the past. I don’t post on my personal account nearly as much anymore because of this. However, I love the idea of my Instagram being a personal scrapbook where I can store my memories with friends.

Ask yourself: Why do I have a business account?

Bad reasons: Constantly trying to get people to buy my stuff. Not providing value.

Good reasons: Giving people something valuable. Making peoples’ lives better. Making a living. Inspiring people.

This was huge for me. For a while, the Oh Beloved One Instagram was just so . . . random. I didn’t want to be spammy with Oh Beloved One.

Then I discovered faith-based accounts. And I decided I wanted to be a person who ADDED something to someone’s feed (and therefore day) instead of taking away.

That’s when the emphasis became devotional-based content with beautiful pictures to be a bright light on social media . . . and maybe remind people to put down their phone and get in the Word. Happy eyes, happy brain, happy heart. I love the idea of encouraging people daily.

Ask yourself: Why do I have a fashion account?

Bad reasons: To encourage girls to want more clothes or a different body. To show off my clothes or body. To get back at haters.

Good reasons: To inspire people to purchase secondhand clothing, buy ethical fashion, shop with a budget, and/or dress modestly.

I used to have a fashion account. The idea never really sat well with me because I didn’t like the idea of posting pictures of myself constantly, but so many people had mentioned I should start one that, for a season, I felt it was right.

It only lasted a semester or two. Like I had figured, eventually I just felt it wasn’t uplifting.

But you can totally have an uplifting fashion account! If God has laid that desire on your heart, go for it! Your peers need an un-Photoshopped, well-dressed pal to look to on social media. That could be you!

Ask yourself: Why do I have a design/art account?

Bad reasons: To show off my skills. Because I’m bored with my other account.

Good reasons: As a portfolio for future clients. To inspire other artists.

I transformed my fashion account into a design account. Social media is becoming like a mini portfolio, and I love it! Share work that you’re proud of and inspire others to do their best work. Find younger artists and encourage them to keep going. You could inspire the next Van Gogh!

So . . . why are you on the ‘gram? Any other Instagram account types I should mention? Would you like another post like this about a different social media platform?

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Eve Parnell
Eve Parnell
3 years ago

This is definitely something I need to ask myself more frequently! Remembering why I wanted Instagram in the first place so that I can do what I logged on to do (which is definitely NOT mindless scrolling!!). Thanks for the reminder!!😊

Hanne T
3 years ago

Ooh I love this! It’s so easy for your instagram to be a place of negativity and mindlessness, but it’s so important to keep on remembering what the purpose behind what we’re doing is!

(also hehe I also definitely have 5 insagram accounts too lollllllll)