Devotions News

devotions / the desire study + a video to get you excited about worship

Tips on starting a study to reset what you're desiring, plus a video we made to get you excited about worshiping!

Happy new week, beloved ones! Are you guys hanging in there? I’m super excited because I’m writing a new book. It was meant to be a devotional, but the format became more like a book. I can’t complain!

Last night I was writing into the wee hours of the night. God had put a lot on my heart. I can’t wait to share it with you guys! If you’re struggling with body image, health, or your relationship with food, this book will be perfect for you. Make sure to sign up for our mailing list to stay updated on its release.

Also, we’re releasing our Worship issue this week! So, the good news is that it’ll be available for free online. The bad news is that the code for 10% off your in-print issue will expire this Friday!! So hurry scurry and grab your pre-release copy with the code HEISRISEN for that 10% off at checkout.

All right, now onto the devotional suggestion for the week.

Girl with a straw hat in front of a tree and blue sky

Our desires are always out of wack, aren’t they?? Whether we want chocolate cake rather than a salad or sin instead of our Savior—it’s just hard to choose the good things!

That’s why doing a desire study is a great idea. You can either:

  • Go through the Psalms and look for the word “desire” or ideas about wanting God more than anything else.
  • Look up verses on Bible Gateway with the word “desire” or likeminded phrases in them

Collect these in a notebook and read over them when you’re done.

What should we be desiring? How much should we be desiring that? Is there place for any other desire? What do we do with desires that might not necessarily be wrong? Which Bible characters truly desired nothing but God? How do you think they cultivated a life of that sentiment?

Allow the verses to create a natural flow of thought. Journal your questions, answers, and meditations.

And, to remind you of who this God we desire is, check out our Worship issue teaser below. I included a lot of stunning nature scenes to remind us that God is Creator, holy, King, and so much more.

Have you been enjoying these devotional suggestions? We hope they will become a great archive of ideas for when you’re not sure where to go next.

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