
let’s go on a picnic: note from the editor of worship issue

Check out our latest YouTube video, featuring a celebratory picnic and a reading of the editor's note in our upcoming Worship issue.

All right, beloved: let’s go on a picnic! What kind of tea would you like? Or are you more of a coffee gal (same, pal!)? We’ve got cookies, butterfly teacups, fun notebooks to doodle and brainstorm in, and the Worship issue!

Chill out with this aesthetic, peaceful video for a couple minutes. I also read the editor’s note to you guys! When I write it, I always imagine actually saying it to all our Beloved Readers. It was really special to actually get to say it to you guys.

Note from the Editor

Amanda Brown


One of the most worshipful experiences I ever had was taking a bright yellow kayak out on a silvery lake one sizzling summer’s afternoon. There was something about bathing in pure sunlight as I plowed through the water with the arms God had given me, praying out all the good and ugly in my heart.

It was just me and God. The birds were even silent. The water lapped up against the sides of the kayak like hungry puppies. Later, I checked the time and was astonished I had been out there praying and worshiping for forty-five minutes. How had it felt so short? And, more importantly, how could I experience something like that again?

Worship is often ritualistic. It’s something we check off of our to-do list. I love worship where I’m standing in church, eyes closed so I can really soak in the words; sharing God’s goodness with friends over avocado toast at a local bakery; singing songs on Easter Sunday as the sun peeks over the horizon.

On the flip side, there is a movement among our generation that insists that true worship can’t happen in a “stuffy church building,” or that something sensational has to be added. Honestly that couldn’t be further from the truth because worship is a heart posture. It’s something personal inside of us, something deep that asks, “Will you choose to worship your Creator in this moment?”

We pray this issue reminds you that life is an act of worship, intentionally cultivated in every moment. 

amanda brown + team

You should plan a picnic for your family! Let us know if you do.

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